
Safety & Security

Beth Tfiloh’s Jewish summer camp staff includes over 200 educators and other professionals, counselors and instructional aides from dozens of different colleges and high schools.

Our one-to-four ratio enables us to provide campers with both personal attention and quality instruction.

Because the safety of your child
is always paramount

Many of our camp counselors and instructors are trained in First Aid and/or CPR, including special skills for Infant and Child levels. Our Health Center is staffed by a full-time Registered Nurse with extensive training and experience in providing care for youngsters.


To help ensure the safety of each child, the background of every employee of Beth Tfiloh Camps is checked by the Maryland State Police and the F.B.I. There are always staff on duty to monitor the security of our entrance. Our Jewish summer camp has a close working relationship with the public safety services in our area to assure their familiarity with our special needs.


We provide a supervised bus ride in vehicles that can communicate with both the bus company and the camp. Campers are never beyond the direct supervision of our trained staff.

BT camps

a great place
for kids
to grow

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