Hi! I’m Ashley and I’ve been at BT Camp since 1990 (when I was 4 years old). I always loved camp, especially nature, and decided that I wanted to be Bob (the head of nature at the time) when I grew up. Toward that end I became an LT, aide, instructor, and finally Department Head. I’ll never be as cool or knowledgeable as Bob but I’ve got a few decades to work on it. Outside of camp I earned a bachelors of science in biology at Bryn Mawr College and a Masters in Art of Teaching in secondary science at Salisbury University. I’m currently a high school science teacher with BCPS. On the weekends my wife (a former BT camps counselor) and I enjoy walking the goats that live at nature, hiking, cross stitching, and playing disc golf. I look forward to another great summer here at BT Camps!