We also have multiple busses that service Howard County. If you live in Howard County, we’re closer than you think! The average ride time from Howard County to camp is often the SAME as a Baltimore County stop.
Our close proximity to many population centers means a reasonable riding time for our campers. In addition to the many staff who are aboard as passengers, two special counselors ride each bus to take roll, guide the driver on the route, monitor street crossing, help the campers get on and off the bus, and provide continuous supervision. Our busses are in constant communication with the bus company and the camp via radios and phones. We make our bus routes as efficient as possible by rerouting busses each summer. Also, some campers in regular transportation areas may have corner pick-ups/drop-offs because it is, often, not practical, or feasible to send busses down dead-ends and courts. Some campers may also be on central stops within neighborhoods to help reduce the amount of time campers are on the bus and enable the drivers to easily, and safely, navigate the route.
The exact locations of these centralized points, however, are not determined until our registration is complete. We locate the stops where they will be the most convenient and helpful to the greatest number of our camper families.
In past summers, our Howard County bus service included stops in: River Hill Village Center, Dorsey Search Village Center, Rockburn Park Center, Walmart on North Ridge Road, Waverly Village Center, Pointers Run Elementary, The Village of King’s Contrivance, and Long Gate Shopping Center. It is important to note that central stops can change every summer and are based on enrollment and where campers are more concentrated in population.
400 Delight Meadows Road, Reisterstown, MD 21136